Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Column: The 'I Pan Contra' Affair

Okay, the title's a stretch, but I knew when I thought of it I'd have to use it.

Yes, this week over at I panned Contra, the widely acclaimed second album from Vampire Weekend. I've been looking forward to hearing this thing for months now, hoping VW would build on the extraordinary sound of their debut. Sadly, the bizarre left turns the band decided to take have largely left me cold, even after a dozen or so listens. I like about half of this record, and none of it as much as I liked Vampire Weekend.

But all is not hopeless bleak despair! I also reviewed OK Go's surprisingly awesome third album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, and revealed my choice for the 19th best album of the 2000s. Click on over to read all about it, then come back here to leave me a comment. Thanks!

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