Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Column: 2009's Last Gasp

Well hello there. I had an amazingly busy and tempestuous week, and I'll be very glad for tomorrow's holiday. Once again, I found no time to blog, something I will certainly rectify in the future. But I did manage to squeeze out another column for your reading enjoyment.

We're now in the end-of-the-year doldrums, when nothing notable hits stores. I can count the new albums I'm buying between now and January on one hand. Good for the checkbook, bad for the column - last week was 2009's Last Gasp, the final big new release week of the year. But it was a pretty big one, and I've examined it, reviewing the debut of supergroup Them Crooked Vultures, and new ones from John Mayer and Switchfoot.

Click on over to read it, then head back here to leave me a comment. And happy Thanksgiving!

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