Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's better than fun, it's blog!

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the tm3am blog. Thanks for stopping by.

I'm Andre Salles, and I've been doing Tuesday Morning 3 A.M. online at since 2000. It's a weekly chronicle of my obsessive music habit, and it usually concentrates on one or two albums a week, exploring them in detail. It's a lot of fun for me, which is why I do it for free - I buy a ridiculous amount of music each year, and I'd probably be writing about it anyway, so tm3am has given me a good outlet.

But I'm finding more and more that there's just too much music out there, and I can't get to it all. That's where this blog will come in. I plan to use it as a first stop, a listening post, if you will. I'm going to be posting my first thoughts on CDs here, as I listen to them. Some of those CDs will eventually make it to the column proper, but most probably won't.

And unlike the column, which I intended to be just my voice, I'm hoping the blog will spark some conversations. I've met some very smart and opinionated people through my years doing tm3am, and I hope they join me here in some dialogue about the thing we all love, music.

Again, thanks for coming by. I kicked off the column with this quote, and it seems fitting to kick off the blog the same way:

"Music is the Best." - Frank Zappa.

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